We are a certified service provider for the professional disposal of commercial wastes, industrial waste and special refuse of all art.
Our waste concepts contribute just like the collectors meeting demand and the reliable collection of your industry and trade wastes to the fact that you can concentrate completely on your core business.
Disablement: The domain of flight industry includes the high quality assurances and safety criterions for correct scrapping and disablement execution. An extensive documentation bases on all quality assurances. The flight industry differs between able to fly and unable to fly elements which must proved and balanced with special quality assurances proofs.
Our special range of the scrapping covers to a large extent the destruction of components and tooling. We organize the entire expiration of scrapping with consideration of current quality assurance measures. For the range of the flight industry still safe guard criteria are added to the current processes apart from high Square meter-requirements, so that the scrapping and/or destruction technical and is requirement-fairly implemented. An extensive documentation runs on basis of the Square meter-requirements. The flight industry differentiates between airworthy and non-airworthy components, which must be checked and adjusted depending upon requirement depth with special Square meter- scrapping evidences.
Disassembly: We offer the professional disassembly and following professional disposal within the industrial range. They can be implemented by our decades of experience in this areas fast and reliably.