Quality assurance
Our enterprise is already since 2005 complete after the disposal specialized operating regulation (EfbV) and on the basis of the §56 cycle economic law certifies.
The certification as disposal specialized enterprise contains a majority of the principles of a quality management system in your current form. In the core the system of the organization is described by the assumption of the wastes of the waste producer up to the disposal of the wastes. Here special attention to the adherence to the laws in handling the wastes as well as adjacent branches of right value is put. The qualification after the quality management system was made for the first time 2009.
Since then our management system was successfully confirmed each year by external auditors. Since 2012 an integrated management system for quality exists according to DIN EN ISO9001:2008 and environment according to DIN ENISO 14001:2009 in the enterprise, what ever considers now the environmental aspects approximately around our services and the assigned products. The disposal specialized enterprise is described together with our quality and environmental management system in our operating manual, including the instructions for procedure within the central processes.